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Dividends, shares and shareholders


Dividend policy

The Management Board of Apator SA declares that it will recommend annually to General Shareholders Meetings to pay the dividend in the amount not higher than 75% of the net profit of Apator SA generated for the previous financial year taking into consideration the perspectives of development, current and future financial standing of the Apator Group, conditions of the market environment and investment plans. In its recommendation for General Shareholders Meeting, the Management Board each time will take into consideration the following significant factors:

  • investment needs resulting from the performance of the strategy, including the acquisition policy and available ways of its financing,
  • liquidity needs of the Apator Group depending on current and expected market and regulatory conditions,
  • amount of current and expected commercial and financial liabilities, including potential limitations resulting from financing agreements.

 The Management Board envisages the possibility of advance dividend payments.

The Management Board of Apator SA decided to pay the advance payment towards the expected dividend for 2024 in the amount of PLN 0.30 gross per share. The right to pay the advance payment towards the expected dividend from the profit for the fiscal year 2024 fell on December 6, 2024. The payment was made on December 12, 2024. 

Year Advance dividend per 1 share Second instalment of dividend per 1 share Total dividend per 1 share Time limit for advance dividend Date of payment of the second instalment of dividend
2024 0,30 PLN     12.12.2024  
2023 0,20 PLN 0,30 PLN 0,50 PLN 21.12.2023 11.07.2024
2022 0,00 PLN 0,30 PLN 0,30 PLN - 10.08.2023
2021 0,30 PLN 0,20 PLN 0,50 PLN 24.01.2022 31.082022
2020 0,45 PLN 0,75 PLN 1,20 PLN 31.12.2020 23.08.2021
2019 0,45 PLN 0,65 PLN 1,10 PLN 12.12.2019 31.08.2020
2018 0,40 PLN 0,90 PLN 1,30 PLN 21.12.2018 24.06.2019
2017 0,35 PLN 0,85 PLN 1,20 PLN 22.12.2017 25.06.2018
2016 0,35 PLN 0,75 PLN 1,10 PLN 07.12.2016 04.07.2017
2015 0,30 PLN 0,70 PLN 1,00 PLN 12.12.2015 04.07.2016
2014 0,30 PLN 0,50 PLN 0,80 PLN 12.12.2014 14.07.2015
2013 0,30 PLN 0,30 PLN 0,60 PLN 23.12.2013 08.07.2014
2012 0,40 PLN 1,00 PLN 1,40 PLN 13.12.2012 26.07.2013
2011 - 0,75 PLN 0,75 PLN - 23.07.2012
Year Advance dividend ('000PLN)  Second instalment of dividend ('000PLN) Total dividends paid ('000PLN) Net result Apator SA ('000PLN) % net result
2024 9 794        
2023 6 529 9 794 16 324 32 691 50%
2022 0 9 794 9 794 25 593 38%
2021 9 823 6 529 16 353 18 436 89%
2020 14 756 24 583 39 339 51 555 76%
2019 14 768 21 324 36 092 54 072 67%
2018 13 171 29 575 42 746 67 323 63%
2017 11 587 28 141 39 728 52 982 75%
2016 11 587 24 830 36 418 77 708 47%
2015 9 932 23 175 33 107 58 351 57%
2014 9 932 16 554 26 486 48 998 54%
2013 9 932 9 932 19 864 51 299 39%
2012 13 243 33 107 46 350 70 344 66%
2011 - 24 830 24 830 37 732 66%
min 18,26
max 18,58
Last updated: 2025-03-28
Trading volume (shares)
Turnover ('000. PLN)
Opening price
Reference rate

Currently the capital stock is

3 264 707,30 PLN

and it is divided into

32 647 073 shares


  • 7 326 515 registered shares preferred to voting in relation 1:4
  • 25 320 558 ordinary bearer shares

The above shares entitle to give 54 626 618 votes at the General Meeting. All bearer shares are introduced to stock exchange turnover in continuous trading system.


List of shareholders with packages of shares allowing them to take over 5% of votes

Shareholders Registered
in capital
in votes
Tadeusz Sosgórnik
with persons closely associated
(Tadeusz Sosgórnik alone)*
1 565 000

(1 565 000)
335 500

(182 500)
1 900 500

(1 747 500)
6 595 500

(6 442 500)


Mariusz Lewicki 1 187 376 1 150 624 2 338 000 5 900 128 7,16% 10,80%
PTE Allianz Polska** 0 4 545 864 4 545 864 4 545 864 13,92% 8,32%
Danuta Guzowska 954 214 566 065 1 520 279 4 382 921 4,66% 8,02%
Zbigniew Jaworski 766 348 779 200 1 545 548 3 844 592 4,73% 7,04%
Mining sp. z o.o.***
0 3 600 000 3 600 000 3 600 000 11,03% 6,59%
Kazimierz Piotrowski with person
closely associated
664 774 159 181 823 955 2 818 277 2,52% 5,16%
Other shareholders 2 188 803 14 184 124 16 372 927 22 939 336 50,16% 42,00%
Total**** 7 326 515 25 320 558 32 647 073 54 626 618 100,00% 100,00%


* Tadeusz Sosgórnik together with persons closely associated within the meaning of the MAR Regulation. The total presentation of Tadeusz Sosgórnik's holdings is effective as of 2 July 2020, i.e. from the day of the entry into the Supervisory Board of Apator SA.
** Total balance for: Allianz OFE, Allianz DFE and Drugi Allianz OFE determined on the basis of a notification from PTE Allianz Polska S.A.
*** Ul. Roździeńskiego 188, 40-203 Katowice, e-mail:, tel: +48 32 784 23 50, fax: +48 32 258 20 48
**** The total balance includes the shareholding of T. Sosgórnik including closely related persons.


Involvement of Open Pension Fund in shareholding of Apator SA

The statement is based on the published by the OPF structures of their assets as of 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2021.

OFE Value of a block as of 31.12.2022 (zł) Number of shares as of 31.12.2022 Share in capital of Apator Voting shares at General Shareholders Meeting of Apator Value of a block as of 31.12.2021 (zł) Number of shares as of 31.12.2021 Share in capital of Apator Voting shares at General Shareholders Meeting of Apator Change in number of shares 2022/2021
AVIVA 46 291 103 3 338 991 10,23% 6,11% 65 905 672 3 338 991 10,19% 6,09% 0
UNIQA 23 166 438 1 671 002 5,12% 3,06% 32 982 572 1 671 002 5,10% 3,05% 0
PZU 17 274 392 1 246 007 3,82% 2,28% 24 593 935 1 246 007 3,80% 2,27% 0
ALLIANZ 16 648 829 1 200 885 3,68% 2,20% 23 703 308 1 200 885 3,66% 2,19% 0
GENERALI 13 610 259 981 712 3,01% 1,80% 19 377 228 981 712 3,00% 1,79% 0
NN 9 549 857 688 834 2,11% 1,26% 13 596 343 688 834 2,10% 1,26% 0
AEGON 8 436 095 608 498 1,86% 1,11% 12 010 655 608 498 1,86% 1,11% 0
POCZTYLION 6 486 525 467 875 1,43% 0,86% 9 235 010 467 875 1,43% 0,85% 0
Razem 141 463 498 10 203 804 31,25% 18,67% 201 404 723 10 203 804 31,13% 0,24% 0

The share in shareholder of Apator SA has not changed in last two years.
In total OPF have 31.25% in the capital of Apator SA.



Contact for institutional investors and analysts

cc group - Katarzyna Mucha

Mobile +48 697 613 712

IR Manager

Justyna Rowińska

Mobile +48 56 61 91 380


Frequently asked questions and answers.