Legal aspects
Legal aspects
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
The section has been developed to facilitate quick access to problem solutions.
The FAQ section is a knowledge base regarding legal aspects related to our products. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the following issues.
1. Remote reading of water meters and heat meters and the applicable Act of 20 May 2016 on energy efficiency (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2021, item 2166)?
2. From when and for how long is the validity period of indications of water and heat meters made in accordance with the conformity assessment procedure?
3. Legalization period for water meters and heat meters?
4. Cost allocators legalization period?
5. Secondary and statistical verification?
Apator Powogaz SA
Jaryszki 1c
62-023 Żerniki
phone +48 61 841 81 01
fax +48 61 847 01 92
NIP 781-002-06-01
REGON 630509799
KRS 0000028129
Share capital 4 000 000,00 zł
Water and heat metering
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